trans·form·a·tive / tran(t)sˈfôrmədiv/

(adjective) Causing a marked change in someone or something.​

Transformative Education for the Common Good

3 Levels of Change

Transforming Individuals

Transforming the University

Transforming Society

Cultivating Human Capacities

Goal: Explore ways to redefine 'whole-person education' for the mid-21st century, shaped by Ignatian principles.

Re-bundling Educational Practices​

Goal: Generate new educational models, centered in high-impact practices, by flexing time, space, costs, and by applying the most effective capacities of emerging digital tools.

Addressing Existential Challenges​

Goal: Shape new curricular and educational practices to address the most urgent problems, beginning with racial justice and environmental justice.

R&D Questions

R&D Questions

R&D Questions

- What skillsets and mindsets are needed to prepare graduates to both flourish and be agents of positive change in the world?

- What will it mean to maximize human capacities in a world shaped by algorithms and disinformation?
- What could a new experiential learning ecosystem look like, built around high-impact practices and authentic problems?

- How can we model ways for controlling the cost of a high-impact education?
- Are we educating equity-minded graduates who can be active in shaping a racially and environmentally just world?

- How can new learning designs support more porous boundaries among the institution, the DC community and the world?

Significant Projects

Significant Projects

Significant Projects

Pillars of Practice

Ensuring equitable access to experiential and high-impact learning.

Creating connections across silos and networks
Expanding institutional capacity for innovation and transformation

A university education that seeks to respond to the world’s greatest needs must be courageously rooted in its commitment to equity and justice. The work of the Red House continuously reinforces this commitment, through restless inquiry to better understand and adapt to the needs of our communities and to guide the design of innovative and sustainable solutions to challenges we face today and in the future.